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Our Code World

A world of code, closer than you think

Our Code World was started in October of 2015 as a knowledge base for very simple and sometimes complex problems in the programming area. Here you will find tutorials and solutions about web development and other high level programming languages like C# and Python.

With more than 66.7M page views, is daily visited by thousand of developers from all the world to find solution for common or weird problems about coding and we want to be bigger everyday.

Many countries, many cultures but only an interest, the code. Our Code World goal is to provide you with useful code based on the collective knowledge of the entire World community.

Unfortunately the life doesn't come with instructions, you may not found solution to your life problems searching on google or any other search engine, however, you have choosen being a software developer or youre in the way to become one and you're most likely to find help about code on the internet. So don't hesitate and follow your dreams

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Carlos Delgado

Hi, i’m Carlos Delgado and i’m the founder of Our Code World and Best Free HTML/CSS Templates. I am from Colombia, and live in the beautiful city of Bucaramanga.
