Check out these 8 things you need to know before starting to code.

8 Things to Know Before You Start Coding

Coding is here to stay, but it’s not always as easy as it looks. As with any new subject, there will be bumps in your learning journey, and you need to know what they are to plan a sustainable strategy for success. It’s also important to be aware of some typical mistakes and traps, so you don’t fall into them.

In this article, we will discuss the nine things you should know before you try to learn to code. By the end, you should have a better idea of how to get started or if coding is right for you as a career choice.

1. Learn to Code

If you have never coded, you must first get a suitable computer and download the right software. You will also probably want a coding book to learn the basics. In the beginning, you will need to learn how to type codes and use the software, so don’t expect to be able to start coding right away. You will also need to select the type of language you want to learn, such as CSS, C#, Python, or JavaScript. You can use a code learning website as a guide to the keyboard and how to navigate around the operating system. There are various ways through which you can start to learn how to code. If you want to know how to learn c# language, for example, you can search for online courses or bootcamps. You can become an expert in any coding language based on your level of expertise with proper guidance.

2. Get Familiar with the Basics, Concepts, and Tools

If you want to become a coder, you’ll need to learn the basic programming concepts. And it’s important to note that few of these concepts are common to most languages and hence require little or no effort to understand. One of the most important programming concepts you’ll have to learn is data structures. To organize and store data, we use Data Structures. Another important programming concept that you’ll have to learn is the algorithm. An algorithm helps you organize your code and write clear and concise programs.

Ensure you’re comfortable with the most common programming tools, including editors, build tools, debugging/navigation tools, and version control systems (VCS). It would be best if you also had a fundamental understanding of your software development toolset. It includes familiarity with common coding tools (IDEs, text editors, etc.) and basic concepts like variables, data types, and flow.

3. Get Comfortable with The Command Line.

When you start coding, you’ll want to get used to using the command line. It’s often referred to as the “shell,” and it’s how you interact with your computer. Like many things in life, you don’t start doing it right away, but you’ll get the hang of it over time. You’ll learn to navigate your computer, open programs, and copy and paste code. It’s a key skill to master to be thorough and efficient.

4. Learn the Difference between HTML/CSS/JS and C#

Most websites, apps, and software are created using HTML, CSS, C#, and JavaScript. The code that makes up these programs is known as ‘source code.’ HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. This is the language used to define the site's structure or application. You may have heard it referred to as the ‘language’ of the web. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. This language allows you to create attractive designs for your website or app. It helps you decide how text and images are displayed on the page. JavaScript is a programming language that runs inside browsers. Along with others, it is one of the core languages for website development. It gives you the ability to make your site or app interactive. C# is another simple and easy-to-read programming language. C# is a higher-level language that is faster and closer to human language; therefore, it is easier to learn.

5. Start with Small Projects

You can’t just build a large app from the start and expect to learn anything at all. When you begin coding, you must start with the basics and build on them. You don’t have significant experience yet, so you must start with smaller apps, such as making a countdown timer, and learn from there. Don’t try to build one app and then transition into another. You can also use these apps to show potential employers and mentors what you can do.

6. Practice Makes Perfect

There are many reasons to learn to code, but the one we’d like you to remember the most is that you need to practice. The more you do it, the better you’ll get. And the more comfortable you are with the process, the more you’ll be able to explore what coding can offer you. That’s not something that happens overnight. In fact, it takes time, patience, and a lot of hard work.

It is better to practice these codes by writing on paper. Many professional coders recommend practicing code by hand. Moreover, many institutes test their potential employees by handing them a written test for codes.

7. Choose your Learning Program Wisely

Before you start coding, you need to research what type of language you want to learn and what kind of learning program you choose. There are many platforms and online courses out there that teach you how to code. However, ensure the course you select is practical and not too dull. Select a program that matches your routine and offers a comprehensive course including all aspects of the coding language you want to learn.

8. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Help.

If you’re having trouble understanding a concept, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. You’re not alone! Programming can be overwhelming. If you’re struggling to understand something or you’re just feeling overwhelmed, there’s a chance other people are feeling the same way.


Now you know what you need to know to get started. Remember that programming is fun and creative but also technical and precise. Make sure you’re excited to learn this stuff, and don’t be afraid if you don’t know everything the first time you try. Don’t give up, keep practicing, and you’ll be a coding pro in no time!
