Discover what every developer needs to know about GitOps.

What Every Developer Needs to Know About GitOps

What is GitOps?

GitOps is a software development and operations methodology that uses Git as a single source of truth for managing and deploying applications. It involves using Git to store and version control all aspects of an application's infrastructure and code, as well as to automate the deployment and management of those applications.

The central idea behind GitOps is to use Git as a central hub for all aspects of an application's lifecycle, from development to deployment and management. This allows organizations to manage their applications in a more agile and efficient manner, as changes to the application can be made and deployed quickly and easily through the use of Git.

In a GitOps workflow, developers write code and commit it to a Git repository. This code is then automatically built, tested, and deployed to the production environment using a continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. The production environment is also managed using Git, with infrastructure and configuration changes being made through code and committed to the repository. This allows for a consistent and auditable record of all changes made to the application and its infrastructure.

GitOps helps to improve collaboration among teams and can help to reduce the risk of errors and downtime by automating many of the processes involved in deploying and managing applications. It is often used in conjunction with infrastructure as code (IAC) and containerization technologies such as Docker.

Why Should Developers Care About GitOps?

GitOps is a software development and operations methodology that can provide several benefits to developers, particularly in terms of collaboration, efficiency, and security. Here are a few reasons why developers might want to consider using GitOps in their work:

  • Improved collaboration: GitOps uses Git as a central hub for all aspects of an application's lifecycle, including code, infrastructure, and configuration. This allows for easy collaboration among teams, as changes can be reviewed and approved before being deployed to production.
  • Increased efficiency: GitOps automates many of the processes involved in deploying and managing applications, which can help to improve efficiency and reduce the time it takes to get code into production.
  • Enhanced security: GitOps provides a consistent and auditable record of all changes made to an application and its infrastructure, which can help to improve security by enabling teams to quickly identify and resolve any issues and security threats.
  • Better control: GitOps gives developers more control over the deployment and management of their applications, as they can use Git to define and manage the infrastructure and configuration needed to support the application.

Why Is GitOps Especially Important in Cloud Native and Kubernetes Environments?

GitOps is particularly well-suited for use in cloud native and Kubernetes environments due to the dynamic and ephemeral nature of these environments.

In cloud native environments, applications are typically deployed and managed using containers, which are lightweight and portable packages that contain all of the code and dependencies needed to run an application. Containers are typically deployed to a cluster of machines, such as a Kubernetes cluster, where they can be easily scaled and managed.

The use of containers and clusters makes it easy to deploy and manage applications in cloud native environments, but it can also make it more challenging to keep track of changes and maintain a consistent configuration. This is where GitOps comes in. By using Git to store and version control all aspects of an application's infrastructure and code, GitOps allows organizations to easily track and manage changes to their applications and infrastructure, even in highly dynamic environments.

In addition, GitOps provides a way to automate the deployment and management of applications in cloud native environments, using a CI/CD pipeline to build, test, and deploy code to production. This can help to improve the speed and efficiency of deploying applications in cloud native environments, as well as reducing the risk of errors and downtime.

6 GitOps Strategies and Best Practices

GitOps is a software development and operations methodology that uses Git as a single source of truth for managing and deploying applications. There are a number of strategies and best practices that can be helpful when implementing GitOps, including the following:

Use Branching Strategies

Git allows you to create branches, or separate versions of your code, which can be useful for isolating changes and working on different features or fixes. When implementing GitOps, it can be helpful to use branching strategies such as GitFlow or GitHub Flow to manage the development and deployment of your code.

Maintain Environment Integrity

In GitOps, it's important to ensure that the environment in which your code is deployed (e.g. production, staging, development) reflects the state of the code in your Git repository. One way to do this is to use automated processes to ensure that changes made to the environment are reflected in the Git repository, and vice versa.

Use Merge Requests

Merge requests, also known as pull requests, allow you to review and discuss code changes before merging them into the main branch of your repository. This can be helpful for ensuring that changes are properly reviewed and tested before being deployed to production.

Use the "Anton Cord"

An Anton cord is a concept that refers to the practice of having a separate, isolated environment where changes can be tested and validated before being deployed to production. This can help to ensure that changes are properly tested and do not negatively impact production environments.

Implement Policy as Code

Policy as code (PaC) is a practice that involves using code and configuration files to define and enforce policies for your infrastructure and applications. This can help to ensure that your infrastructure is configured and managed in a consistent and predictable way, and can make it easier to track and manage changes over time.

Aim for Idempotency

Idempotency is the property of a process or operation that can be repeated multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application. When implementing GitOps, it can be helpful to aim for idempotency in your infrastructure and configuration files, as this can make it easier to manage and update your infrastructure over time.


In conclusion, GitOps is a software development and operations methodology that can provide numerous benefits to developers. By using Git as a central hub for all aspects of an application's lifecycle, GitOps allows developers to collaborate more effectively, deploy code more efficiently, and improve the security and control of their applications.

GitOps is especially well-suited for use in cloud native and Kubernetes environments, where it can help to manage the dynamic and ephemeral nature of these environments. To effectively implement GitOps, developers should consider using branching strategies, maintaining environment integrity, using merge requests, implementing policy as code, and aiming for idempotency in their infrastructure and configuration files.

By following these strategies and best practices, developers can effectively implement GitOps and improve the efficiency, reliability, and security of their software development and operations processes.
