Bootstrap and Angular, such an awesome combination isn't ? They're without a doubt useful tools that a lot of people use. But sometimes, it could be tricky to add Bootstrap to your Angular project for things as the problem with jQuery as you wouldn't like (probably) to add the full jQuery library and angular at the same time as it would increase the size of your application (besides jQuery doesn't follow the Angular way). To work around this problem there's jQlite that allows you to work properly with Bootstrap along with Angular. If you're working in a new project and you love it, you may want to speed the development process with an already built template to make it look awesome with the technologies you use and love (Bootstrap and Angular).
Save yourself the hard work of finding the greatest premium AngularJS Boostrap Admin Template and discover items recommended by Our Code World, enjoy our top of 10 from the best Premium AngularJS Boostrap Admin Templates.
10. Minotaur
Minotaur is brand new admin dashboard builded upon successfull “Minovate – Admin Dashboard”. Minotaur is well structured, clean, powerful, builded using controllerAs syntax. Using such a great tools like Bower, Gulp and Sass, it’s really easy to maintain. Minotaur is also strongly aimed to responsiveness. Minotaur is powered with AngularJS. It’s builded on popular Twitter Bootstrap v3 framework. It's fully based on HTML5 + CSS3 standards and is fully responsive and clean on every device and every browser.
Minotaur contains many example pages with many ready to use elements and is strongly customizable. You can choose choose from few premaid layouts such as horizontal navbar, boxed layout or rtl layout.
9. Singular
Singular is an AngularJS Single Page Application based on the Bootstrap 3 framework. The key features of this template are:
- AngularJS 1.4.x
- Bootstrap UI (angular directives)
- Angular UI
- Nested routes and views
- Translation ready and RTL support
- Toaster notifications
- Lazy Load module (ozLazyLoad)
- Angular GMaps
- JADE/LESS sources files and modular JS
- Gulp tasks manager (build/server)
- Vendor dependencies managed with Bower
- Online documentation
8. Dubli
Dubli is a clean and powerful ready to use responsive AngularJs Admin Template based on Latest Bootstrap version and powered by jQuery, Dubli comes with 3 amazing Dashboard layouts. Uber is completely flexible and user friendly admin template as it supports all the browsers and looks awesome on any device. The 100+ Jquery plugins and 30+ ready to use widgets makes the Dubli one of the best Admin Template on themeforest as it fullfills the requirement for its user in every way. Dubli introduces complete mail and profile system? and many more unique and traditional features in it, that makes it the best admin Template. You will love customizing this admin panel as it has been coded by highly professional HTML Coders, which has made it so easy to use.
7. Piluku
Piluku is an admin template with Flat, Responsive, Admin Dashboard and also included with Material Effect elements. This template is built on twitter Bootstrap 3.3.4, with bunch of features(third party elements) included. It can be used for backend admins from login to finished user pages. This comes with fully detailed documentation which explains you to get quick started and use of some unique elements. The main features of this template are:
- Built on Less for faster and more efficient coding
- Built on Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.4
- Unlimited Colorful themes
- Complete Flat Design
- Responsive & Light Design with material effect elements
- Widgets Ready
- Admin Targeted Widgets
- Info-boxes with neat and clean styles
- Lots of jQuery plugins
- Data tables, Editable tables(x-editable)
- All bootstrap UI Kits & Components included
- 1500+ Icons (Font awesome, ionicons, Themify Icons)
- Five different maps plugins with markers and routes
- Five Colorful different charts plugins
- Fully Documented
- Hierarchal menu with beautiful style
- Beautiful Login, SignUp and LockScreen with two different models each
- Error Pages included
- Unique Timeline and Mailbox
- Masonry and rotated galleries
- Advanced Notifications
- Beautiful and Flat File Browser
- Sweet alerts alternative for browser alerts
- Live Charts
- Form Wizards & Validations
- Beautiful form layouts
- Advanced Portlets with ajax loading
- Flat File Browser
- Multiple Form Upload
- Markable toDo List widget
- Date pagination
- FAQ included
- Lots of handful animations
- Redesign most of all bootstrap components
- Stylish Pricing Tables
6. MTek
MTek is light and firm Admin Template. It is fully responsive with LESS support and many colors themes. The main features of this template are:
- Boostrap base framework
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Color Change
- Clean & Clear
- Grunt & Bower
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Bonus JADE & LESS
- ocLazyload
- Base on Bootstrap
- Full Responsive
- Full LESS Support
- Many colors theme
5. Avenxo
Avenxo is built ground up to be the most developer friendly theme in the marketplace. With multiple color schemes and layouts, Avenxo is clean, nimble and flexible. This flexibility comes with easy to use and clean code that can be picked up by anyone with minimal experience in Bootstrap, as we build upon the code base used by millions.
From the get-go, it provides two separate versions of the theme – The standalone HTML version, and AngularJS version with Bower and Grunt to make development – and deployment – a breeze. It brings the same mobile first responsive approach with off-canvas menu and touch support, making the theme work beautifully in a large number of screen sizes – from smart phones and tablets, to large screens. The UX-friendly clean and intuitive design that gets out of your way in favour of substance.
4. Slant
Slant Admin is a premium admin dashboard theme built with the Powerful AngularJS framework and Bootstrap 3. It is specially designed to give your admin panel a unique and elegant look. It is easy to customize and coded in developer friendly manner. Build using Grunt and Bower with nested views & routing and lazy load features. The main features of this template are:
- AngularJS
- Powerful AngularUI
- Popular Bootstrap 3
- Nested routing
- Nested views
- Grunt tasks
- Bower dependency management
- Lazy loading
- Many jQuery plugins included
- Multiple Layout options
- Beautiful Charts integrated
- Added Widgets
- Mailbox
- Mobile Optimized
- Fully Responsive
- Chat API
- FullCalendar API
- Angular Count To Plugin
- Morris Charts API integrated
- Angular Inview Plugin
- Angular File Uploader Integrated
- textAngular Editor Integrated
- Angular Bootstrap Color Picker
- Angular Notify Plugin
- Angular Loading Bar Plugin
- Angular Bootstrap Date Time Picker
- Flot Charts API integrated
- Angular Chart.js integrated
- Sparkline Graphs integrated
- Easy Pie Charts integrated
- Perfect Scrollbar
- Sortable Angular plugin
- Rickshaw Charts integrated
- Nestable Angular Plugin
- jVectorMap Angular Plugin for Vector Maps
- Angular Smart Table
- Angular UI Grid
- Angular Bootstrap TagsInput
- Angular Ui Utils
- Footable
- Angular Chosen
- Img Cropper for Angular integrated
- ocLazyLoad integrated for lazyloading and routing views
- Angular Slider
- WYSISYG Editor
3. Mega
Mega is a clean and powerful ready to use responsive AngularJs Admin Template based on Latest Bootstrap version and powered by jQuery, Mega comes with 3 amazing Dashboard layouts. Mega is completely flexible and user friendly admin template as it supports all the browsers and looks awesome on any device. The 80+ Jquery plugins and 30+ ready to use widgets makes the MEGA one of the best Admin Template on themeforest as it fullfills the requirement for its user in every way. Mega introduces first time the “pattern lock login system” and “complete mail and profile system” and many more unique and traditional features in it, that makes it the best admin Template. You will love customizing this admin panel as it has been coded by highly professional HTML Coders, which has made it so easy to use.
2. Clip-Two
Clip-Two is an advanced, responsive admin dashboard template built with AngularJS, the Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework. This theme is mobile friendly and ready for you to customize it any way you want to use it. It comes with 2 complete themes: Clip-Two Admin and Clip-Two Admin RTL Version. AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application. The resulting environment is extraordinarily expressive, readable, and quick to develop.
1. Xenon
Xenon is a lightweight responsive admin theme built with Bootstrap and contains plenty of UI components, layout variants and theme skins which make a total of 136 HTML files. Xenon takes it to the next level of admin themes with good organization of files, clean coding and easy expanding. It's built with LESS preprocessor of CSS which allows you to create your very personal version of Xenon by including only the components you need in one file. Additionally, Xenon is now included in famous MVC (Model View Controller) JavaScript framework called AngularJS, for all of them who want to bootstrap their projects with the ready to use services, controllers, routes and other components. It loads faster and every request is processed with AJAX.
This template will probably be all that you need for your next project as it provides top quality templates that can be used out of the box or modified to meet your own needs, besides it's really fast.
If you know another awesome premium AngularJS admin template created with Bootstrap, please share it with the community in the comment box.