Yeah, a lot of developers love to deploy applications and simply run test stuff in production servers. That's pretty irresponsable, however there are some of us that love to have a local version of the project that works properly and exactly like the production version. We do this basically to optimize the development process and test stuff locally, where no one will be hurted.
While i was learning magento, i quickly recognize how necessary it was a script to reset the test information about the sales in the application. Magento doesn't offer this feature by default, however if you are able to run SQL on the server, you can use the following script that will do the trick for you:
As every security measure, backup first your database before running the script.
This will remove all the orders and the dashboard information will be set to 0. Don't forget that if you run this script in PHPMyAdmin, you will need to uncheck as well the checkbox, otherwise the script won't run:
Happy coding !