Learn how to migrate go module in Go Lang projects.

How to Migrate Go modules in GoLang Projects

Go command enables the use of modules whenever the current directory or any parent directory has provided the directory outside $GOPATH/src. (Inside $GOPATH/src, for compatibility, the go command still runs in the old GOPATH mode, even if a go.mod is

Go is a wide variety of project dependence on management strategies. It has a wide difference in behavior that always works together.

Some of the projects in a single repository have a complete GOPATH directory. You have to install in GOPATH to get the relatively latest versions. It offers alternatives for dependency management that have been integrated into the go command. Golang Go module is a collection of Go packages working with a single unit. It records precise dependency and creates reproducible builds.

What is Golang?

Go to be a modern language; it is the second published open-source programming language of Google, specifically optimized for multiprocessor applications. Compiled programs in Go can be as fast as those in C or C++, and are safer and support parallel processes. It easily uses multiple cores and implements currency and distributes codes to write programs, which are lean and user-friendly syntax.

There are three basic types of Go.

Numeric types - Represent numeric values which include integer, floating-point, and complex values. Various numeric types are:

String types - Represents a sequence of bytes(characters). You can do various operations on strings like string concatenation, extracting substring, etc

Boolean types - Represents 2 values, either true or false.

How to use go modules

  • Create a new module.
  • Add a dependency.
  • Upgrade the dependencies.
  • Adding a dependency on a new major version.
  • Upgrading a dependency to a new major version.
  • Removing unused dependencies.

Here’s a simple step by step guide. Have a look at the Golang Guide tips and tricks and get the required information.

Firstly, we are required to initialize the module:

cd github.com/kounta/luigi

go mod init github.com/kounta/luigi

It gives you two lines of output:

go: creating new go.mod: module github.com/kounta/luigi
go: copying requirements from Gopkg.lock

Now, Its already migrated from the dependencies from dep right out of the box.

You should now see a new file called go.mod that looks like this:

module github.com/kounta/luigi

go 1.12

require (
  github.com/elliotchance/tf v1.5.0
  github.com/gin-gonic/gin v1.3.0
  github.com/go-redis/redis v6.15.0+incompatible

Like dep that has a separate .toml and .lock file, we need to simply generate the go.sumfile:

go build

Now you can remove the Gopkg.lock and Gopkg.toml and perform the new go.mod and go.sum files.

Travis CI

You need to enable modules by setting an environment variable by using Travis CI until it becomes the default setting in Go 1.13:


Private Repositories

You may see an error like this if you import it from a private repository.

invalid module version "v6.5.0": unknown revision v6.5.0

This is misleading. What it’s really trying to say is that it recognizes what do you do with the URL (in this case it is github.com). However, it can’t find the repository because GitHub will not confirm its existence.

Fixing it is pretty straight forward:

  1. Log into your Github account and click on setting and select to Personal access tokens.
  2. Create a new token and ensure that the authorization is checked to allow it to access private repositories.
  3. Now run:
export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx
git config — global url."https://${GITHUB_TOKEN}:[email protected]/kounta".insteadOf "https://github.com/kounta"

Importance of Golang

Object-oriented programming language.

Go is an object-oriented language, providing the capacity and conduct to execute polymorphic conduct through the interface and providing an expanded way to embedding. It also provides a form of encapsulation that allows different types, methods, and other formats that are visible and invisible. It may have no inheritance, but its language is object-oriented.

Go Routines

Go Routine is a function that runs concurrently with other functions. A goroutine uses the keyword to follow Object-oriented programs. The programs are consist of two goroutines, The first one is implicit and it is the main function itself, the second is created when we will go. With a Golang, it returns to the next step immediately with a goroutine and doesn't wait for the function to complete. It is a code that easily understood like a sequential program.


Finally, I think the Go designers wanted to keep the language simple (simple in the usual definition of simple).

  • Go designers need to keep their language simple
  • How many loop keywords are there
  • How much it easier working with Garbage collection
  • Eliminate inheritance to change the components that work better
  • CSP model for concurrency, as lockings are a hard paradigm to get it right.

Server Side

In its standard library, Go (Golang.org) language offers standard HTTP protocol assistance, making it simple for developers to develop and get a web server running very fast. Go offers a way to write systems and servers with language and run-time support simultaneously.

Golang for Creating Web Application

Go language is a compiled, cloud-based programming language. It was constructed by Robert Griesemer and introduced in 2009 at Google. The language of Golang has vital characteristics, including:

  • Memory Safety
  • Garbage collection
  • Organized Typing

Organized Typing Memory Safety Garbage collection Even now, top businesses have also depended solely on the Go language, and it has become an important app and web development business service.

How to Download and install GO

Download binary for your OS

Download Binary GO

Click on the Installer and Run:

Installer GO

Then click on next:

Go Setup

Select the installation folder and click Next.

Golang Select Directory

Click Finish once the installation is complete.

Finish Go Installation

Once the installation is complete, you can start opening a terminal and typing the go version command:

Go Lang Version


Go modules are the future of dependency management in Go. Module functionality is now available in all supported Go versions. Go is certainly a useful option if you're on a new project or are planning on improving the next one. Being the experienced Golang development company, BR Softech develops the Go module that helps to shape the future dependency of Go.

Nitin Garg is the CEO and Co-founder of BR Softech – Mobile app development company USA. Likes to share his opinions on IT industry via blogs. His interest is to write on the latest and advanced IT technologies which include IoT, VR & AR app development, web, and app development services. Along with this, he also offers consultancy services for RPA, Big Data and Cyber Security services.
