Reservations, birth date etc. The following collection of plugins will make your life easier if you're trying to implement a datepicker for your project.
5. PickMeUp
Pick me up is a really simple, powerful and customizable IE 10+ Opera 12.1+ Latest versions of Firefox and Chrome. Allow integration with UIKat and Twitter Bootstrap.
4. Pick a day
Pikaday is a lightweight Javascript datepicker with no dependencies. Pikaday does not require jQuery, however there is a jQuery plugin version too.
- Lightweight (less than 5kb minified and gzipped)
- No dependencies (but plays well with Moment.js)
- Modular CSS classes for easy styling
3. Air datepicker
Air Datepicker is a lightweight cross-browser jQuery datepicker, built with es5 and css-flexbox. Works in all modern browsers.
2. pickadate.js
Pickadate.js is a mobile-friendly, responsive, and lightweight jQuery date & time input picker. There’s a tonne of options to customize the date and time pickers, such as month/year selectors, time intervals, etc. There’s also a rich API to extend the functionality of the picker.
1. Bootstrap Datepicker
Bootstrap datepicker is a datepicker for bootstrap.
jQuery Date Range Picker
jQuery Date Range Picker is a jQuery plugin that allows user to select a date range.
- Requires jQuery 1.3.2+, Moment 2.2.0+
- Supports IE6+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and other standard HTML5 browsers.
- Supports multi-language
- Fully CSS styled
If you think we are passing by another awesome datepicker, please share it with us in the comment box.