Check out these tips to increase your sales using Google Ads.

Best Tips to Increase Sales by Using Google Ads

Doing proper work on your Google Ads account will increase the odds of having a successful business. However, keep in mind that having just an account with a campaign and a few keywords are not enough anymore.

The more online businesses there are, the more difficult it becomes to be visible and to generate more sales from Google Ads. There are so many different factors that can have a huge impact on the success of your Google Ads campaign.

One of the fast ways to go is to optimize your ads targeting with Google Ads audit or, if you want to dig in the secrets of Google Ads and learn even more, then check out this list of tips we have made to help you increase your sales by using Google Ads.

Tip #1: Raise Your Quality Score By Making Your Landing Page Relevant

It is crucial that you make your Quality Score as high as possible, and the best way to do it is by making your keywords and ads on Google relevant to the content that you have on your website’s landing page.

If the content is relevant, then the Google Quality Score will be higher, and as a result, you will have a higher position on Google Search results. Which statistically and logically is the most viewed and the most clicked part of the search results. Therefore, if you have relevant content and more visitors coming to your website - this means bigger sales.

Additionally, if you are using the pay-per-click method on Google, the relevance of your landing page will save you additional money. In cases where you have an irrelevant ad that states completely different things than your landing page does, the visitor will leave your website immediately, and this will still cost you money because you chose to pay for clicks. Given the complexities of managing effective PPC campaigns, especially for specialized services, adopting advanced PPC marketing techniques can offer better insights and improve cost efficiency.

Tip #2: Use Ad Extensions

Ad Extensions

Google Ad Extensions is a must if you want to increase your revenue per investment rate. Google Ads keywords are great for starters, but if you want to achieve better results and bigger profits, you need to start experimenting with Ad Extensions that will give you the possibility to have a few related ads in one. 

Here is an example of how it works. Let's say that you have a shoe shop that sells shoes for any age and any gender. Therefore, you can make an ad about shoes online and make three extensions: shoes for women, shoes for men, and shoes for children. An ad like this will show general text and three different links that are called Ad Extensions. 

This way, you can target several target audiences of yours and maybe even cross-sell if a mother is looking for new shoes for the whole family because they are planning to go on a vacation. 

Tip #3: Use Negative Keywords

Negative keywords may be very useful and save some of your money if you are using the pay-per-click strategy. Correctly choosing the negative keywords will prevent to mislead the people who are searching for completely different things that happen to have your keyword in them.

For example, if you specialize in selling only running sport shoes and you only want to receive quality traffic, you should put some keywords in the negative keywords list. In this situation, you need to think as the searching person would think. Therefore you could exclude such keywords like "basketball, "football", and similar ones.

This way, you simply tell Google what your product or service is not about and ask it to remove you from the search results that include specific words from your list. This way, you will avoid accidental clicks that were made by people who are looking for a completely different product. And as you pay for every single click, this will save you money.

Tip. #4: Use Geotargeting


It does not matter if you are a local or worldwide-shipping brand, a known online brand, or someone who is just moving your business online, geotargeting will always help you make more money if you use it right. 

First of all, you need to review the insights of the Geotargeting and see which locations are generating the most of your traffic.

This way, you can increase your bidding in the areas where people are interested in the most and decrease in the areas where people are completely uninterested in buying your products. This strategy will both save you money and help you invest in more profitable locations to bring even more revenue.
