Learn how to easily convert a plain SVG string to an image directly in the browser.

How to convert a plain SVG string or SVG node to an Image (PNG or JPEG) in the browser with JavaScript

There are a lot of operations that can be made on the client-side, so you can spare some bucks on server processing power. One of the tasks that I needed to solve this week, was to find the simplest way to convert an SVG string to an image format that any user can understand, either PNG or JPEG.

In this article, I will share with you the method that I used to create an image from any SVG string or SVG Dom Node in the browser with Vanilla JavaScript.

1. Create SVGToImage function

The function that will help you to convert your SVG to an image is the following one:

 * Simple function that converts a plain SVG string or SVG DOM Node into an image with custom dimensions.
 * @param {Object} settings The configuration object to override the default settings.
 * @see https://ourcodeworld.com/articles/read/1456/how-to-convert-a-plain-svg-string-or-svg-node-to-an-image-png-or-jpeg-in-the-browser-with-javascript
 * @returns {Promise}
function SVGToImage(settings){
    let _settings = {
        svg: null,
        // Usually all SVG have transparency, so PNG is the way to go by default
        mimetype: "image/png",
        quality: 0.92,
        width: "auto",
        height: "auto",
        outputFormat: "base64"

    // Override default settings
    for (let key in settings) { _settings[key] = settings[key]; }

    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
        let svgNode;

        // Create SVG Node if a plain string has been provided
        if(typeof(_settings.svg) == "string"){
            // Create a non-visible node to render the SVG string
            let SVGContainer = document.createElement("div");
            SVGContainer.style.display = "none";
            SVGContainer.innerHTML = _settings.svg;
            svgNode = SVGContainer.firstElementChild;
            svgNode = _settings.svg;

        let canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
        let context = canvas.getContext('2d'); 

        let svgXml = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svgNode);
        let svgBase64 = "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + btoa(svgXml);

        const image = new Image();

        image.onload = function(){
            let finalWidth, finalHeight;

            // Calculate width if set to auto and the height is specified (to preserve aspect ratio)
            if(_settings.width === "auto" && _settings.height !== "auto"){
                finalWidth = (this.width / this.height) * _settings.height;
            // Use image original width
            }else if(_settings.width === "auto"){
                finalWidth = this.naturalWidth;
            // Use custom width
                finalWidth = _settings.width;

            // Calculate height if set to auto and the width is specified (to preserve aspect ratio)
            if(_settings.height === "auto" && _settings.width !== "auto"){
                finalHeight = (this.height / this.width) * _settings.width;
            // Use image original height
            }else if(_settings.height === "auto"){
                finalHeight = this.naturalHeight;
            // Use custom height
                finalHeight = _settings.height;

            // Define the canvas intrinsic size
            canvas.width = finalWidth;
            canvas.height = finalHeight;

            // Render image in the canvas
            context.drawImage(this, 0, 0, finalWidth, finalHeight);

            if(_settings.outputFormat == "blob"){
                // Fullfil and Return the Blob image
                }, _settings.mimetype, _settings.quality);
                // Fullfil and Return the Base64 image
                resolve(canvas.toDataURL(_settings.mimetype, _settings.quality));

        // Load the SVG in Base64 to the image
        image.src = svgBase64;

SVGToImage receives as the first argument an object that supports the following properties:

  • svg: an SVG DOM Node or a plain string with SVG data. This will be converted to an image.
  • mimetype: the output mime-type of the image, it could be image/png or image/jpeg (image/webp in chrome works as well). By default, it uses the PNG format, as usual, every SVG image has transparencies.
  • width: the output width in pixels of the image that will be created. By default, it takes the width of the SVG image (auto). If you provide a custom height for the image and the width is set to auto, the width will be automatically calculated to preserve the aspect ratio of the SVG.
  • height: the output height in pixels of the image that will be created. By default, it takes the height of the SVG image (auto). If you provide a custom width for the image and the height is set to auto, the height will be automatically calculated to preserve the aspect ratio of the SVG.
  • quality: A number between 0 and 1 indicating the image quality to use for image formats that use lossy compression such as image/jpeg and image/webp. If this argument is anything else, the default value for image quality is used. The default value is 0.92. Other arguments are ignored.
  • outputFormat: the export format of the image, it could be base64 for a DataURL or blob.

2. Creating an image from a plain SVG string

For example, if you want to create an image from a plain SVG string, you can use the function like this:

    // 1. Provide the SVG
    svg: `<svg width="1792" height="1792" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M1585 1215q-39 125-123 250-129 196-257 196-49 0-140-32-86-32-151-32-61 0-142 33-81 34-132 34-152 0-301-259-147-261-147-503 0-228 113-374 113-144 284-144 72 0 177 30 104 30 138 30 45 0 143-34 102-34 173-34 119 0 213 65 52 36 104 100-79 67-114 118-65 94-65 207 0 124 69 223t158 126zm-376-1173q0 61-29 136-30 75-93 138-54 54-108 72-37 11-104 17 3-149 78-257 74-107 250-148 1 3 2.5 11t2.5 11q0 4 .5 10t.5 10z"/> </svg>`,
    // 2. Provide the format of the output image
    mimetype: "image/png",
    // 3. Provide the dimensions of the image if you want a specific size.
    //  - if they remain in auto, the width and height attribute of the svg will be used
    //  - You can provide a single dimension and the other one will be automatically calculated
    // width: "auto",
    // height: "auto",
    width: 500,
    height: 500,
    // 4. Specify the quality of the image
    quality: 1,
    // 5. Define the format of the output (base64 or blob)
    outputFormat: "base64"
    // If using base64 (outputs a DataURL)
    //  ...
    // Or with Blob (Blob)
    //  Blob {size: 14353, type: "image/png"}
    // Log any error

3. Creating an image from an SVG Dom element

If instead of a plain string, you want to convert directly a DOM element in your document, you may simply select it and provide it in the same SVG property:

<svg id="my-svg" width="1792" height="1792" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
    <path d="M1585 1215q-39 125-123 250-129 196-257 196-49 0-140-32-86-32-151-32-61 0-142 33-81 34-132 34-152 0-301-259-147-261-147-503 0-228 113-374 113-144 284-144 72 0 177 30 104 30 138 30 45 0 143-34 102-34 173-34 119 0 213 65 52 36 104 100-79 67-114 118-65 94-65 207 0 124 69 223t158 126zm-376-1173q0 61-29 136-30 75-93 138-54 54-108 72-37 11-104 17 3-149 78-257 74-107 250-148 1 3 2.5 11t2.5 11q0 4 .5 10t.5 10z"/>

        // 1. Provide the SVG DOM element
        svg: document.getElementById("my-svg"),
        // 2. Provide the format of the output image
        mimetype: "image/png",
        // 3. Provide the dimensions of the image if you want a specific size.
        //  - if they remain in auto, the width and height attribute of the svg will be used
        //  - You can provide a single dimension and the other one will be automatically calculated
        // width: "auto",
        // height: "auto",
        width: 500,
        height: 500,
        // 4. Specify the quality of the image
        quality: 1,
        // 5. Define the format of the output (base64 or blob)
        outputFormat: "base64"
        // If using base64 (outputs a DataURL)
        //  ...
        // Or with Blob (Blob)
        //  Blob {size: 14353, type: "image/png"}
        // Log any error

Live demo

You can see a live preview of how this function works in the following fiddle, just provide your own SVG in the textarea and submit the form to append the PNG version of the image in the document:

Happy coding ❤️!

Senior Software Engineer at Software Medico. Interested in programming since he was 14 years old, Carlos is a self-taught programmer and founder and author of most of the articles at Our Code World.
