Consider these components of a great IT strategy that every business must know.

Components of a Great IT Strategy that Every Business Must Know

Today’s business environment is dynamic and fast-paced. New technologies are emerging almost every day to make our lives easier, more convenient and productive. It is not just technology that is changing rapidly but also the way businesses operate. To keep up with this pace of change, IT departments must adopt a strategic approach when making decisions about technology investments. A successful IT strategy outlines how the organization will use technology to meet its broader goals. Whether you manage a small IT team or have limited resources as an individual contributor, having a well-developed plan can help you make impactful technology decisions in your organization faster and more confidently. An effective IT strategy aligns technology solutions with organizational needs while identifying risks and mitigation strategies along the way.

What is a Great IT Strategy?

An effective IT strategy is one that is aligned with your business strategy, helps the organization to meet its goals, and is supported by an adequate IT budget. A great IT strategy has five elements:

  • Vision - set the direction for your IT department
  • Outcome - Outline the expected benefits from the proposed strategy
  • Risks, impact and mitigation strategies
  • Ranking of the proposed solution based on the business impact it may have
  • Budget - Estimate of how much will be required to implement the strategy.

Know your organization’s core business

Just as important as knowing how to build a great strategy is understanding why you are building it in the first place. You need to know your organization’s core business and the problems that it solves. Every company is different. That’s why it’s important to build your strategy around your business needs, not someone else’s needs. Through one-on-one meetings and team brainstorming sessions, you can discover what is important to your organization and how it solves those problems. This way, your IT strategy will be laser-focused on improving business outcomes. Understanding your organization’s business will give your strategy context and will help to eliminate the “shiny object” syndrome that can cause organizations to get distracted by new and exciting technologies.

Define your technology requirements

Once you have a clear understanding of your business needs, you can define the technology requirements needed to address those needs. An effective IT strategy doesn’t focus on the latest and greatest technology trends. Instead, it focuses on the technology requirements that will help the organization meet its business goals. This approach will help you avoid falling into the trap of trying to implement the latest technology just for the sake of having the latest technology. An effective IT strategy will help you determine which technology is needed to solve a business problem, how much it costs, and how long it will take to implement. For example, if you are trying to increase customer satisfaction, then you need to decide whether an upgraded phone system, additional training for customer service representatives, or some other solution will help to achieve your business goal.

Identify risks and potential pitfalls

Every technology has its advantages and disadvantages. Before you determine what technology solutions to implement, you need to understand the risks and potential pitfalls associated with each technology choice. You can identify potential risks and pitfalls by doing some research online and asking others in the industry about their experience with the technology. You can also consult with your IT team or hire a Managed IT service provider to learn about any challenges that they are facing with the technology. An effective IT strategy will help you determine which technology solutions pose the least amount of risk and potential pitfalls while delivering the highest value.

Plan for the future

A successful IT strategy will help you plan for the future. Technology is constantly evolving and new solutions are emerging that can help improve business outcomes. In most organizations, there are some departments that are early adopters of new technology. This is often because their problems can best be solved with the latest technologies. For example, a marketing department struggling with high-volume image processing or a customer service team trying to respond to high customer volumes may have the highest demand for new technologies like artificial intelligence or machine learning. These technologies may not be the best solution for other departments. An effective IT strategy will help you plan for the future by considering which technologies are likely to emerge and identifying the business problems that new technologies can solve. This will allow you to position your organization to benefit from the latest technology trends.

Bottom line

A successful IT strategy will deliver the right technology to the right department at the right time at the right price. An effective IT strategy is one that is aligned with your organization’s business strategy while taking into account the risks and potential pitfalls associated with each available technology. It is a strategic approach to deciding which technologies to use, when to use them and for what purpose. It’s an approach that will help you to avoid spending time and money on technologies that are not needed or that don’t solve a real business problem.
