Discover how to protect your invaluable data against loss and cyber threats in our comprehensive guide.

Expert Advice on How to Prevent Data Loss and Maintain Integrity

With today’s highly connected and data-driven society, it’s been widely regarded that data is the modern-day gold – it holds more value than ever.

Data, whatever nature it may be, is important and can be used for multiple purposes. Hence, it has to be protected at all costs.

Whether you’re running a business organization or just taking care of your individual files, maintaining data integrity and protecting it from loss caused by negligence or cybersecurity attacks is crucial.

This post has got your back. The following points will cover expert advice on how to safeguard your data effectively from loss and/or hacking from malicious actors or hackers. Read on to learn more.

Back Up Your Data Religiously

In data loss prevention for Linux and keeping your data integrity, the primary step you should know is to religiously back up your data.

Backing up your data allows you to not solely rely on single copies of data stored locally on your computing device. To proceed, you need to use multiple backup media to make sure that you have multiple data copies that are highly secured and ready-to-access in case of data emergencies. Mix in cloud-based backup storages and locally-available hard drives so that you can have both online and offline copies of your data.

Aside from that, you need to implement a regular backup schedule and follow it religiously. You need to make a backup schedule that works for you or your business. Examples of regular backup schedules include monthly or biweekly backups. If you’re dealing with highly sensitive data or you’re working in a crucial industry, daily data backups are highly recommended.

Lastly, automate data backups. People are forgetful (you as well even though you deny it) and allowing automation to do its wonders with your backup schedule will lessen the hassles and frustrations involved in forgetting a scheduled backup cycle.

Follow A Robust Password Strategy And Encrypt Your Data 

Follow a Robust Password Strategy

Security experts are all in agreement with the following when it comes to data security: your data is only as secure as the protections you put in place to safeguard it.

One such protection you can utilize to protect your data is by following a robust password strategy.

To proceed, you need to first always use password combinations that aren’t easy to guess. Utilize phrases, password combinations consisting of letters, numbers, and special characters, and many more. If you’re having trouble making a password that’s complicated yet easy to understand, you can make use of a password manager. A password manager is a tool that can make strong passwords for you and store them.

Go the extra mile and enable multiple factor authentication to add another layer of security for your passwords. Multiple factor authentication methods include providing other means of identification aside from your passwords. This may include biometric verification, SMS verification, email verification, and so on.

Finally, encrypt your sensitive data, especially those containing financial or personal information. Encryption works by converting your data into an inaccessible code that can only be unlocked by a key.

Keep All Your Software Up To Date 

Software updates oftentimes include security patches that protect against emerging cybersecurity threats. Plus, they also contain ‘plugs’ to vulnerabilities hackers can take advantage of.

Remember, keeping your software up to date is a simple but effective way to maintain data integrity. To make the software update easier, enable automatic software updating. This eliminates the need for you to manually and constantly check for available updates and install them once they’re available.

Finally, don’t forget to update your other devices as well. They include your tablets, smartphones, and other accessories.

Train Your Team On Topics About Sound Data Security Practices 

If you own a company or running a non-profit organization, your team members’ role in your overall data security strategy is key. Providing proper training targeting your personnel can prevent accidental data loss and breaches.

For starters, you can carry out training sessions that focus on data security. In these learning sessions, focus on educating your team members about the importance of data security. Additionally, teach them how to recognize various security threats like phishing, craft strong passwords, handle data, and the like.

With regards to how your team should manage and handle data, you need to set clear policies for data handling and ensure everyone understands them. Finally, regularly review and update your data security practices. Stay informed about new threats and adjust your policies and training accordingly.

Plan A Data Recovery Plan And Be Ready To Implement It When Necessary

Despite your best efforts, data loss can still occur due to unforeseen events such as force majeure disasters, relentless cyberattacks, hardware breakdowns, etc. Thus, having a disaster recovery plan ensures you and your company can recover quickly from a data loss incident. A key component of this plan is the importance of off-site data storage, which provides an additional layer of security and ensures your data remains intact even if on-site systems are compromised. Corodata - California Records Management Company is a great choice, offering comprehensive off-site storage solutions that combine state-of-the-art security measures with expert management, ensuring your data is safe and accessible when needed.

To begin, you need to determine which data and systems are essential for your operations. Focus your recovery efforts on these to minimize downtime. Next, you’re ready to develop a step-by-step plan that outlines what steps should be taken in the event of data loss. This should include how to restore backups, who to contact, and how to communicate with stakeholders.

Finally, you need to be ready to deploy your data recovery plan when necessary. To know how things will go when the real deal happens, you need to test your plan regularly to identify kinks and address them accordingly.

To Conclude 

Preventing data loss and maintaining integrity is an ongoing process that requires diligence and proactive measures. By religiously backing up your data, using strong passwords and encryption, and others, you can significantly reduce the risk of data loss and ensure the integrity of your information.

Finally, remember to stay vigilant, stay updated, and prioritize data security in all your digital activities.

Fergal Glynn has been writing about technology for more than a decade. He was VP of Marketing at Shopify and 6 River Systems. Fergal has also served in GTM and product leadership roles at Veracode and Fidelity Investments.
