This article explores the top five easiest programming languages for beginners, designed with simple syntax and extensive learning resources. Read till the end to find the best language that suits your learning goals and helps you start coding quickly.

Learn to Code in Just a Week - Try the Easiest Programming Language to Learn

In today’s fast-paced digital world, coding is no longer just for tech professionals. It has become a valuable skill for everyone. As per Science Direct, around 30% of US students and 15% of students worldwide have enrolled in coding classes. Whether you want to build websites, automate tasks, or explore artificial intelligence, learning to code can open endless opportunities.

The good news? Well, you don’t even need months or years to get started. With the right programming language, it is absolutely possible for students to grasp the basics of coding in just a week. In this article, we’ll explore the top five easiest programming languages for beginners, each designed with simple syntax, extensive learning resources, and beginner-friendly features.

These languages make fast and effective learning possible, even for those with limited time. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to choose the best language based on your goals.

Can You Learn Programming Language In A Week?

While you can grasp the fundamentals of a programming language within a week and make significant progress, true mastery takes much longer. Programming is challenging, and building complex applications requires dedicated practice over time. According to Multiverse, the time it takes to become proficient in coding varies from person to person, depending on factors like consistency, problem-solving skills, and the complexity of the language.

If you have prior coding experience and you use other coding languages, you will take less time to learn another programming language in a week. However, when learning a new language all on your own, you may take months to complete your work. It is recommended that students seek help from a assignment writing service to complete their programming assignments and papers on time. Such a company can help them fulfil all the paper requirements on time.

Top 5 Easiest Programming Languages To Learn In 2025

For those who are starting their programming and coding journey in 2025 it will be better to start with languages that have simpler syntax and wider applications. In different fields like web development and data science, programming languages play a huge and crucial role. With each passing year, the rank for the level of toughness of these languages keeps on changing.

According to IT professionals, the following programming languages are trending right now. Whether you’re a student, entrepreneur, or hobbyist, you can kick-start your coding journey with confidence using the following programming languages. Let’s dive deeper.

1. Python

It is not surprising to see Python at the top of this list. Not only is it considered the easiest language to be learnt in 2025 by students, but it is also all the data science and machine learning libraries that make it more relevant in today’s world.

 It still has the biggest market share and it is still growing in the following areas:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Web development
  • Machine learning
  • Big data analytics
  • Automation
  • Data-driven decisions

How to Learn Python Programming Language?

  1. Understand why you are learning the Python language
  2. Install Python and set up your environment
  3. Master error handling and master intermediate Python concepts
  4. You must follow the object-oriented programming in python
  5. Take on the projects that challenge you and attend webinars
  6. Build a portfolio of different projects and compile all your completed projects in it

Top Universities Offering Python Language Courses

Looking for a professional source to take Python programming courses? Well, we have the following two main sources that can provide you with needed assistance:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

 MIT offers Python courses through its OpenCourseWare and MITx on edX. The most popular course by this university that you can take is Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python. This course efficiently covers foundational programming concepts. Furthermore, it is beginner-friendly and widely recognised for its structured approach. Students can easily gain hands-on experience with problem-solving and algorithm development using Python.

Stanford University

By enrolling in Stanford’s Python for Data Science, AI & Development, students can get hands-on experience in Python programming. If you want, you can get this course via Stanford Online and Coursera. This means that the course is accessible to global learners. Furthermore, this course is particularly useful for those interested in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Needless to say, it covers essential Python libraries like NumPy and Pandas for data manipulation.

2. Java

Just like Python, Java is also considered a consistently easy programming language tool. It is open-source and can run on all types of devices. You may find a wide online community of developers who specialise in using this tool because it is easier to learn and use. Most enterprise-sized companies use Java applications because they are scalable, efficient and stable. So, if you have a good grip on Java, it can be considered a positive addition to your resume.

Generally, Java is used for quite a lot of online websites and online systems. The areas where Java programming language is most commonly used are the following:

  • App development
  • Finance
  • Java Virtual Machine platforms

How to Learn Java Programming Language?

  1. Install the Java Development Kit from the Oracle website.
  2. You should choose the Integrated Development Environment and configure it to run the programs.
  3. Then, you have to learn the basic syntax of the Java programming language
  4. You will have to understand the concept of Object-Oriented Programming to move further
  5. After that, you have to move on with the programs that perform basic tasks like calculations, string manipulation and input/output
  6. Once you have mastered the fundamentals, you will move towards the advanced topics

Top Universities Offering Java Language Courses

The best universities in the UK offer the best Java language courses that enable students to perform better in their academic and professional roles. You can enrol in Java programming language courses offered by these two universities:

Harvard University –

Harvard’s CS50 - Introduction to Computer Science includes Java programming as part of its curriculum. You can avail of the course for free on edX and Harvard Online. For the aid of students, it covers programming fundamentals, problem-solving techniques, and data structures using Java. Beginners and those transitioning to software development can benefit a lot from this course.

University of California, Berkeley

The course offered by UC is named UC Berkeley’s Data Structures in Java. It basically covers object-oriented programming and advanced Java concepts. All these factors make it ideal for aspiring software developers. Not only that, but the students are also encouraged to learn essential Java skills, including recursion, inheritance, and memory management. You will also find the real-world applications of Java in software engineering when studying in this course.

3. Javascript

Call this the most loved and then the most hated programming language of all time. It is quite easy to learn, and most of the web designers use it regularly in their papers. According to Plural Sight, Javascript underpins 98% of all websites that are available on the internet. The most common areas where the Javascript programming language is utilised are the following:

  • Art
  • Games
  • Web servers
  • Smartwatch apps
  • Presentations
  • Server applications

How to Learn Javascript Programming Language?

  1. First, you have to lay the groundwork and understand the basics of HTML elements.
  2. You must utilise the interactive courses online, such as freeCodeCamp
  3. After that, you have to practice and build projects
  4. You must start with the basic projects and keep increasing the difficulty level as you gain experience
  5. If you want an immersive learning experience, do not forget to attend a coding bootcamp
  6. If you are interested in learning the Javascript programming course, you should consider exploring the Javascript books for beginners

Top Universities Offering Javascript Language Courses

Looking for the best university to offer you effective Javascript language educational courses? Well, we have brought you the details of the top two universities offering related programs. These courses can make you quite proficient in practising the Javascript language.

University of Michigan

Through Coursera, the university has been offering JavaScript, jQuery, and JSON, which is no less than an excellent course for beginners in web development. Due to this course, you can focus on front-end interactivity and event handling and also work with APIs. It is ideal for students who are looking to build dynamic web applications.

Harvard University

The CS50 Web Programming with Python and JavaScript course is known around the globe for teaching JavaScript alongside HTML and CSS. The fame of this course lies in its focus on front-end and back-end development. Furthermore, the students can also learn JavaScript frameworks like React and Django for full-stack development. The best thing is that the course is project-based, which allows the learners to build real-world applications.

4. C++

Just like COW and Whitespace, C++ is also considered one of the toughest programming assignment languages to be learnt. Also, a majority of beginners do not struggle with learning this language. However, it is a great skill to have on the resume for better performance needs such as the following:

  • Real-time sims
  • Financial trading systems
  • Complicated workloads

The areas where the C++ programming language is most commonly used are the following:

  • Financial trading
  • Game development
  • Internet of Things

How to Learn C++ Programming Language?

  1. You should start with an introduction to the C++ programming
  2. Learn about all the data types, variables and operators
  3. You must learn the conditional and control statements
  4. Understand arrays, strings and pointers
  5. After that, you should consider going through functions and OOP concepts related to C++.
  6. If you want a quick understanding of this programming language, you should read all the books for beginners.

Top Universities Offering C++ Language Courses

Students prefer to take the C++ learning classes from a reputable college or university because, as compared to other programming languages, it is a bit difficult to learn. Students often need the help of expert teachers to fulfil the requirements of this language and coursework writing for C++. To cater to this need, the following universities offer these programming language courses to students:

Carnegie Mellon University

The Introduction to Computer Systems course has been known for teaching C and C++ for system programming. It is famous for covering memory management and optimization. This course is highly regarded for its in-depth approach to low-level programming. Students can also gain an understanding of how software interacts with hardware.

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

This university offers Programming with a Purpose, where C++ is used for problem-solving and algorithmic thinking. By taking this course, you can focus on computational thinking and logic-building using C++. It is an excellent choice for those interested in game development or embedded systems.

5. SQL

As evident by the name, it is a domain-specific language which is used for the management of data. In the future, this programming language is going to become more popular than it currently is. This is because quite a lot of companies are planning to implement AI-based projects, but their underlying data is still there. It is going to lead to a rise in demand for different skilled SQL professionals.

Mostly, the SQL programming language is used in the following areas:

  • Finance
  • Healthcare
  • Cybersecurity

How to Learn SQL Programming Language?

  1. Firstly, you will have to choose the preferred learning methods offered by platforms like Coursera, DataCamp and Udacity.
  2. You should learn from the interactive tutorials and exercises
  3. Then you have to choose a database management system like MySQL
  4. After that, you will go for the learning of basics and practice the sample databases regularly
  5. The best way to make your SQL programming language learning faster is to keep up with the latest developments in SQL technologies
  6. You must learn how to make the reusable blocks of SQL code

Top Universities Offering SQL Language Courses

Since the future lies in SQL, a lot of students are now opting to study and learn this programming language. If you are looking for the best university to learn SQL programming language courses, you should consider the following two options:

Stanford University

Databases by Stanford on Coursera can provide an in-depth understanding of SQL, relational databases, and query optimisation. Students can also learn about database architecture, query execution, and indexing techniques. The students who are aspiring to learn data analysis and database administration should follow the course offered by the university.

University of California, Davis

The SQL for Data Science course can help learners gain practical skills in database management and analytics. By taking this course, the students can learn how to write complex queries and work with large datasets. It is highly recommended for students who want to become professionals in business intelligence and data science.

Which Language Is Easy, Python Or C++?

If you are a beginner, you will generally consider Python comparatively easier to learn as compared to C++. Due to its flexible nature and simpler syntax, you can get a deeper understanding of C++. If you are planning to go for a performance-critical application, you should go for learning C++.

Each of these programming languages is tough or easy at its level. Some learners may find a language difficult while others may find it relatively easy. Let’s discuss a brief overview of both languages.


  1. The syntax of this language is readable and clean.
  2. The language is versatile, and it is used in various domains.
  3. You can consider Python as an interpreted language.
  4. Python can be used for automatic garbage collection, which means that you do not have to worry about manual memory management.


  1. C++ is a powerful language that lets much control over the memory and hardware, which can make it further suitable for applications that are performance-critical.
  2. C++ is known for its efficiency and speed.
  3. It requires manual memory management.
  4. You can get a solid foundation of the programming concepts in your head, which is better for learning other languages.

Should You Learn C Before Python?

Although it is not strictly necessary to learn C before Python, it can be quite beneficial for students. Especially, if you want to have a deeper understanding of how different computers and programming languages work at a lower level, you can benefit from the understanding of Python language. Beginners usually start with it. If you go for learning C first, here are some of the benefits that you can get:

  1. It gives you a solid understanding of how computers work.
  2. Knowing C can help students appreciate the abstractions and conveniences provided by Python.
  3. It can also help you develop some strong logic-building and problem-solving abilities.
  4. If you are interested in embedded systems and learning more about hardware-related programming, it is a good choice to learn the C language.

10 Hardest Programming Languages To Learn

Programming languages are generally considered tough to learn. As per Invozone, they can leave your brain stuck in intricate code and stubborn nodes. The range of difficulty varies in all these languages. The personal preferences and learning capacity of students also decide what language they consider the hardest to learn.

However, the languages that are considered notoriously difficult to learn in 2025 include the following:

  1. C++
  2. Assembly
  3. Haskell
  4. Malbolge
  5. Whitespace
  6. COW
  7. Rust
  8. Prolog
  10. Brainfuck

Mainstream programming needs the users to think in certain ways, which must be logical enough to develop complicated software in a limited timeframe. Languages such as C, C++, Java and Python are quite popular in the development world, but others are considered fairly difficult for the new learners.

What Is The Most Confusing Programming Language?

Generally, the programming language is considered the most confusing and intentionally difficult language to learn. However, as per Wikipedia, the toughest programming language to learn is Malbolge (and its name refers to the 8th circle of hell). It was designed to be challenging for the learners, and it has features where code can self-modify itself. The operations carried out by this function are highly counterintuitive.

The nature of the toughness and complications faced by the students depends on their comprehension levels. The toughest things associated with this language are the following:

  1. The syntax is extremely difficult
  2. They have restricted instructions
  3. The code behaviour is affected by the execution of instruction substitution


We have explored in depth if it is possible for students to learn code in a week and what is the easiest programming language that they can learn in a week. You can also view the top 5 easy-to-learn programming languages that students can start learning to establish their basic understanding.

If you have to write your programming papers and you need help, do reach out to the expert assignment writing companies in the UK. Professional writers have the skills to craft excellent papers tailored to the needs of students. They can also help students fulfil all their paper requirements in no time.

Lastly, you must be dedicated enough to learn your chosen programming languages in a week and stay consistent with your routine. The consistency will eventually pay off, and slowly, you will have a strong grip on all the concepts of the programming language you always wanted to learn.

Author Bio

Kai Warner is a dedicated programming assignment writer who has been helping both national and international students with the completion of their academic paper requirements. He has learnt several programming languages and has been teaching students about those. When not helping students with their papers, you can find him working with IT professionals to expand his learning experience.

Kai Warner is a dedicated programming assignment writer who has been helping both national and international students with the completion of their academic paper requirements. He has learnt several programming languages and has been teaching students about those. When not helping students with their papers, you can find him working with IT professionals to expand his learning experience.
