Learn how to create an excel file using PHP office in laravel easily.

How to create an Excel file using PHP office in Laravel

To create Excel files, we'll use the PHPExcel project of PHPOffice. This project provides a set of classes for the PHP programming language, which allow you to write to and read from different spreadsheet file formats, like Excel (BIFF) .xls, Excel 2007 (OfficeOpenXML) .xlsx, CSV, Libre/OpenOffice Calc .ods, Gnumeric, PDF, HTML etc. This project is built around Microsoft's OpenXML standard and PHP.

To handle PHPExcel easily in your laravel project, we'll use the maatwebsite\excel package. This package provides an eloquent way of importing and exporting Excel and CSV files for Laravel 4.* & Laravel 5.* with the power of PHPOffice's PHPExcel.


To use PHPExcel (from PHPOffice) in our Laravel project, you'll need to include the Laravel-Excel package into the project.

  • PHP version >= 5.3.7
  • Laravel >= 4.1
  • PHPOffice PHPExcel >= 1.8.0 (included by composer.json)
  • PHP extension php_zip enabled (required if you need PHPExcel to handle .xlsx .ods or .gnumeric files).
  • PHP extension php_xml enabled.
  • PHP extension php_gd2 enabled (optional, but required for exact column width autocalculation).

To add this package add the following line in your composer.json file and then execute composer install:

    "require": {
        "maatwebsite/excel": "~2.1.0"

Or require it directly in the console with composer using :

composer require maatwebsite/excel

Finally, load the package into the laravel service provider in yourapp/config/app.php :

'providers' => [

Note: if you're using Laravel >5.2, you'll need to install the laravelcollective/bus package.

To add the laravelcollective/bus package, add the following line in your composer.json file and then execute composer install :

    "require": {
        "laravelcollective/bus": "^5.2"

Or require it directly in the console with composer using :

composer require laravelcollective/bus

Finally load the package into the laravel service provider in yourapp/config/app.php :

'providers' => [
    // ...
    // ...

And you're ready to use PHP Office in your project.


As the library is basically a wrapper of PHPOffice for laravel, you need to know some basic points in difference to the original library:

Manipulation/Creation of excel files

To manipulate the creation of the file you use a callback instead.

Excel::create('Filename', function($excel) {
    // Call writer methods here

Save/Export and formats

To download the created file, use ->export($ext) or ->download($ext).

  • Export to Excel5 (xls).
  • Export to Excel2007 (xlsx).
  • Export to CSV (csv).

You can use the writer like :

Excel::create('Filename', function($excel) {
    // Excel code

// or

Now that you know that, you can proceed with the creation of excel files.

Usage with an alias

To register an alias for the Excel class, go to yourapp/config/app.php file and register the alias as you want :

'aliases' => [
    'Excel' => Maatwebsite\Excel\Facades\Excel::class,

As our alias will be Excel, we'll need to including using an use statement in the top of our controller and it will be available as Excel on it.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Excel;

class DefaultController extends Controller
    public function index()
        // Excel here

Usage without an alias

Without an alias, you'll need to include the class with the entire name in your controller instead of use Excel.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Facades\Excel;

class DefaultController extends Controller
    public function index()
        // Excel here

Download excel file

The following controller in the index action generates an excel file directly to the browser :

PHPExcel demo


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Excel;

class DefaultController extends Controller
    public function index()
        Excel::create('Report2016', function($excel) {

            // Set the title
            $excel->setTitle('My awesome report 2016');

            // Chain the setters
            $excel->setCreator('Me')->setCompany('Our Code World');

            $excel->setDescription('A demonstration to change the file properties');

            $data = [12,"Hey",123,4234,5632435,"Nope",345,345,345,345];

            $excel->sheet('Sheet 1', function ($sheet) use ($data) {
                $sheet->fromArray($data, NULL, 'A3');


Save excel file in server

To save the generated excel file in the server, use the store method instead of download:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Excel;

class DefaultController extends Controller
    public function index()
        Excel::create('Report2016', function($excel) {

            // Set the title
            $excel->setTitle('My awesome report 2016');

            // Chain the setters
            $excel->setCreator('Me')->setCompany('Our Code World');

            $excel->setDescription('A demonstration to change the file properties');

            $data = [12,"Hey",123,4234,5632435,"Nope",345,345,345,345];

            $excel->sheet('Sheet 1', function ($sheet) use ($data) {
                $sheet->fromArray($data, NULL, 'A3');

        })->store('xlsx', storage_path());
        // or  ->store('xls', storage_path('excel-folder'));

Creating charts

If you need to create charts on your excel files, then you'll need to use the "plain php" syntax of PHPOffice. The maatwebsite/excel package has already included PHPOffice, therefore you only need to cast the classes using a backslash on it.

The following snippet creates a chart in your storage path in a laravel controller :


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Facades\Excel;

class DefaultController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $excel = new \PHPExcel();


        $objWorksheet = $excel->getActiveSheet();
                    array('', 'Rainfall (mm)', 'Temperature (°F)', 'Humidity (%)'),
                    array('Jan', 78, 52, 61),
                    array('Feb', 64, 54, 62),
                    array('Mar', 62, 57, 63),
                    array('Apr', 21, 62, 59),
                    array('May', 11, 75, 60),
                    array('Jun', 1, 75, 57),
                    array('Jul', 1, 79, 56),
                    array('Aug', 1, 79, 59),
                    array('Sep', 10, 75, 60),
                    array('Oct', 40, 68, 63),
                    array('Nov', 69, 62, 64),
                    array('Dec', 89, 57, 66),

        $dataseriesLabels1 = array(
            new \PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues('String', 'Grafico!$B$1', NULL, 1), //  Temperature
        $dataseriesLabels2 = array(
            new \PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues('String', 'Grafico!$C$1', NULL, 1), //  Rainfall
        $dataseriesLabels3 = array(
            new \PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues('String', 'Grafico!$D$1', NULL, 1), //  Humidity

        $xAxisTickValues = array(
            new \PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues('String', 'Grafico!$A$2:$A$13', NULL, 12), //  Jan to Dec

        $dataSeriesValues1 = array(
            new \PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues('Number', 'Grafico!$B$2:$B$13', NULL, 12),

        //  Build the dataseries
        $series1 = new \PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries(
                \PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::TYPE_BARCHART, // plotType
                \PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::GROUPING_CLUSTERED, // plotGrouping
                range(0, count($dataSeriesValues1) - 1), // plotOrder
                $dataseriesLabels1, // plotLabel
                $xAxisTickValues, // plotCategory
                $dataSeriesValues1                              // plotValues
        //  Set additional dataseries parameters
        //      Make it a vertical column rather than a horizontal bar graph

        $dataSeriesValues2 = array(
            new \PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues('Number', 'Grafico!$C$2:$C$13', NULL, 12),

        //  Build the dataseries
        $series2 = new \PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries(
                \PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::TYPE_LINECHART, // plotType
                \PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::GROUPING_STANDARD, // plotGrouping
                range(0, count($dataSeriesValues2) - 1), // plotOrder
                $dataseriesLabels2, // plotLabel
                NULL, // plotCategory
                $dataSeriesValues2                              // plotValues

        $dataSeriesValues3 = array(
            new \PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues('Number', 'Grafico!$D$2:$D$13', NULL, 12),

        //  Build the dataseries
        $series3 = new \PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries(
                \PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::TYPE_AREACHART, // plotType
                \PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::GROUPING_STANDARD, // plotGrouping
                range(0, count($dataSeriesValues2) - 1), // plotOrder
                $dataseriesLabels3, // plotLabel
                NULL, // plotCategory
                $dataSeriesValues3                              // plotValues

        //  Set the series in the plot area
        $plotarea = new \PHPExcel_Chart_PlotArea(NULL, array($series1, $series2, $series3));
        $legend = new \PHPExcel_Chart_Legend(\PHPExcel_Chart_Legend::POSITION_RIGHT, NULL, false);
        $title = new \PHPExcel_Chart_Title('Grafica anhelada maternofetal :(');

        //  Create the chart
        $chart = new \PHPExcel_Chart(
                'chart1', // name
                $title, // title
                $legend, // legend
                $plotarea, // plotArea
                true, // plotVisibleOnly
                0, // displayBlanksAs
                NULL, // xAxisLabel
                NULL            // yAxisLabel

        //  Set the position where the chart should appear in the worksheet

        //  Add the chart to the worksheet

        $writer = new \PHPExcel_Writer_Excel2007($excel);

        // Save the file.


The mentioned package help you to work with a cool and easy syntax with PHPOffice, however if there are features of PHPOffice that aren't covered for the package, you can still using plain PHPOffice in your controllers.

Have fun !

Senior Software Engineer at Software Medico. Interested in programming since he was 14 years old, Carlos is a self-taught programmer and founder and author of most of the articles at Our Code World.
