Learn how to solve the JavaScript exception: Failed to execute 'requestPictureInPicture' on 'HTMLVideoElement': Metadata for the video element are not loaded yet.

Lately i faced an interesting problem when trying to use the picture in picture API with a video tag that loaded a remote WebRTC stream from Janus. When trying to request the PiP API in the video element like this, using the following method:

 * Request Picture in Picture of Video.
 * @param {HTMLVideoElement} videoElement
 * @returns {undefined}
function enterPictureInPicture(videoElement) {
    if(document.pictureInPictureEnabled && !videoElement.disablePictureInPicture) {
        try {
            if (document.pictureInPictureElement) {

        } catch(err) {

// Request on my dom element

The mentioned exception Failed to execute 'requestPictureInPicture' on 'HTMLVideoElement': Metadata for the video element are not loaded yet appeared everytime i tried to request it. The solution is very simple though, you will need to wait until the metadata of the video has been correctly loaded to request the PIP API like this:

let videoElement = document.getElementById("myvideo");

videoElement.onloadedmetadata = function() {
    // You should be able to request the picture in picture API from here
    // Request on my dom element

You should usually do this when you work with heavy videos that doesn't load immediately or either with WebRTC streams that usually take a while until they load into the video tag. Requesting the picture in picture (PiP) API just after this callback is triggered, shouldn't trigger the mentioned exception.

Happy coding ❤️!

Senior Software Engineer at Software Medico. Interested in programming since he was 14 years old, Carlos is a self-taught programmer and founder and author of most of the articles at Our Code World.
