Our Code World

How to clear all the expired tokens from the database with FOSOAuthServerBundle

Our Code World

How to register an user in a custom controller with FOSUserBundle in Symfony

How to implement a user system with FOSUserBundle in Symfony > 2.8

How to implement a user system with FOSUserBundle in Symfony > 2.8

How to implement fulltext search (MySql) with Doctrine and Symfony 3

How to implement fulltext search (MySql) with Doctrine and Symfony 3

Important tips that you need to know before upgrade your project from symfony 2 to symfony 3

Important tips that you need to know before upgrade your project from symfony 2 to symfony 3

Our Code World

How to solve symfony 3 error Expected argument of type "string", "yourBundle/Form/xformType" given

Our Code World

Vendor folder in a symfony project won't upload with (netbeans or svn) subversion

Our Code World

How to solve cmd or node.js command prompt issue in windows : git is not installed or not in the PATH

How to create an hybrid app for desktop (html, css and javascript) with electron framework in windows
Electron Framework

How to create an hybrid app for desktop (html, css and javascript) with electron framework in windows

Top 5 : Best javascript and jQuery tooltip plugins

Top 5 : Best javascript and jQuery tooltip plugins

How to enable material native theme on android within a cordova application

How to enable material native theme on android within a cordova application

Top 5 : Best javascript and jQuery color picker plugins

Top 5 : Best javascript and jQuery color picker plugins

Our Code World

How to convert a image from the device to base64 with javascript in Cordova

Our Code World

How to customize with css your debug on the javascript console
