Our Code World

How to solve PHP 7.0 Polyfill : There is no suitable CSPRNG installed on your system - paragonie/random_compat

Introduction to the Javascript Promises

Introduction to the Javascript Promises

How to check if there is an available internet connection in Electron Framework
Electron Framework

How to check if there is an available internet connection in Electron Framework

Should I use '#' or 'javascript:void(0);' on the href attribute of my empty links
Web development

Should I use '#' or 'javascript:void(0);' on the href attribute of my empty links

How to access a rest api in Symfony 3

How to access a rest api in Symfony 3

Our Code World

Unirest for PHP SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

Our Code World
Electron Framework

How to show and focus a file (or folder) in the file explorer of the OS with Electron Framework

Our Code World

How to execute a shell command using PHP without await for the result (asynchronous) in Linux and windows environments

Our Code World

Crud Catchable Fatal Error: Object of class Entity\MyClass could not be converted to string Symfony 3

Our Code World

How to add custom field to the user table with FOSUserBundle manually in Symfony

Using native desktop notification with Electron Framework
Electron Framework

Using native desktop notification with Electron Framework

Mastering the use of the Clipboard with Electron Framework
Electron Framework

Mastering the use of the Clipboard with Electron Framework

How to include and use jQuery in Electron Framework
Electron Framework

How to include and use jQuery in Electron Framework

How to send-retrieve information and manipulate the DOM from a webview with Electron Framework
Electron Framework

How to send-retrieve information and manipulate the DOM from a webview with Electron Framework
