How to install and enable the Imagick extension in XAMPP for Windows

How to install and enable the Imagick extension in XAMPP for Windows

Getting started with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) with Tesseract in Node.js

Getting started with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) with Tesseract in Node.js

Getting started with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) with Tesseract in Symfony 3

Getting started with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) with Tesseract in Symfony 3

Our Code World

How to force access via HTTPS (HTTP over SSL) in Symfony 3

How to use Crosswalk WebView in a cordova project for Android

How to use Crosswalk WebView in a cordova project for Android

Our Code World

How to create required .pem certificates for HTTPS connection in node web server

How to create with Github your first PSR-4 composer/packagist package and publish it in Packagist

How to create with Github your first PSR-4 composer/packagist package and publish it in Packagist

Our Code World

How to verify the version of cordova, a platform version of a cordova project and how to update them

Our Code World

How to make all div columns of the same height automatically with jQuery

How to create a screenshot from a website or html with PhantomJS in Node.js

How to create a screenshot from a website or html with PhantomJS in Node.js

How to create a PDF using wkhtmltopdf in Node.js

How to create a PDF using wkhtmltopdf in Node.js

Our Code World

How to declare a new property on the Window object with Typescript

How to create a hybrid mobile app for Android with cordova in Windows from scratch

How to create a hybrid mobile app for Android with cordova in Windows from scratch

How to create a custom loading bar with your own Logo
Web development

How to create a custom loading bar with your own Logo
